Brookfield residents trust Iron Fireman for all their duct cleaning needs. Our air duct cleaning service improves air quality, reduces risk of respiratory health issues and increases energy efficiency. Our duct contractors, through a partnership with Clean Living Environments, receive exceptional training and use advanced equipment to ensure a thorough cleaning. Staying on top of duct maintenance prevents HVAC catastrophes caused by dust and debris accumulation, keeping the air in your home or business clean and safe.
Neglected air vents present health concerns and in more extreme circumstances pose a fire hazard. While drier air ducts are the most common cause of ductwork fires in the US, your air ducts are susceptible to this if they aren’t regularly cleaned. The good news: this is preventable. Regularly cleaned air ducts eliminate these risks altogether. Better-maintained air ducts lead to a better life. Not only does maintaining your air quality improve your health and eliminate the risk of a fire, but it lessens the money you’re spending on energy that you could be spending elsewhere. With better health, a safer environment and more money saved, you can live a better life.
Statistic | Value |
Average cost | $300 - $500 |
Average time to clean | 3-6 hours |
Recommended frequency | Every 2-5 years |
Average improvement in air quality | 25-40% |
Average improvement in energy efficiency | 5-15% |
Percentage of homes with contaminated air ducts | 50-60% |
Did you know having your air ducts cleaned isn’t the final step to maintaining your air ducts? For optimal performance, make sure to have your air ducts sealed. Iron Fireman is the leading duct sealing company in Brookfield, and our duct contractors specialize in doing so for both homes and businesses. Leaky ducts lead to spiked energy costs and poor air conditioning, making them expensive and uncomfortable. We address this issue with revolutionary Aeroseal sealing to make the ducts airtight and end unnecessary loss of conditioned air. Our hassle-free service is particularly effective for older buildings and buildings with ductwork that’s gone unmaintained.
To complete our service, we provide each customer with a report to detail the airflow improvements. We’re proud of our work and are happy to share insight into the results.